Publicado hace 4 años
- Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma de forma sencilla pero adecuada y eficaz, siendo capaz de comprender, expresarse e interactuar, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, en situaciones cotidianas, que requieran comprender y producir textos breves, en diversos registros y en lengua estándar, que versen sobre aspectos básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente.
Nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL) A2 = A2.1 + A2.2
- You and me
- Daily activities
- Free time
- Expressions with ‘get’, ‘take’ and ‘have’
- Personal details
- People I love
- Past Simple
- Echo Questions
- Past time expressions
- Jobs
- It’s a special day
- Present continuous
- Holidays and Parties
- Prepositions of time
- Prepositions of time
- This is where I live
- Just one or many?
- Prepositions
- Order of adjectives
- Types of nouns
- Are you OK?
- Have’ and ‘have got’
- How to describe people
- Healt
- Opposite adjectives
- I was… when you…
- Types of films
- TV shows
- Types of music
- The weather
- Have you ever…?
- Present perfect
- Connectors and ‘Have you ever…?’
- Present perfect with ‘just’, ‘already’ and ‘yet’
- Present perfect and past simple
- What will happen?
- Will/Won’t
- Transport
- At the airport
- Future time expressions
- If it’s more expensive…
- Adverbs of manner
- Comparisons
- Zero and First conditional
- Adverbs of degree
- What is this?
- Technology
- Nature and geography
- Shapes and material
- Text messaging